Jeni Says

  Jeni Says…hold on to your cowboy hats, folks! Having been a radio talk show producer and air personality in Atlanta, Georgia, Jeni Says has a lot to say, and rightfully so! She’s a pistol, no doubt, with a Bachelor of Media Arts degree from The University of South Carolina, and no stranger to radio, Jeni brings a savvy sense of style and humor to the airwaves On NASH FM 98.5 every Sunday from 10-2.  She’s also our social media guru, so you can find her on Facebook and Twitter having fun with our listeners and keeping you up to date on all the latest contests and where we’ll be on location next! If you’ve been lucky enough to meet Jeni while she’s on location, broadcasting all the fun, then you already know she’s a genuine charmer and you can’t help but have fun when this gal is around! Just don’t ask her to take off her cowboy hat…she’s been known to use it as a boomerang. We think Keith Urban might have taught her that!            Email Jeni Says here!